I didn't really know what to call this dish! It's not really a Saag Aloo, nor is it really a curry... like a lot of my Vegan meals, it's just a mish mash of stuff that turns out tasting... quite nice! haha!
I love Garam Masala and Coconut - I've always got them in my cupboard. I haven't had potato for a while (I'm not the biggest fan really - there are so many better carbs (apart from sweet potato - that's lush)) and it's Paddy's day apparently, so why not go with a green theme (and I had courgette's that needed using!)
Excuse the quality of the photo's, I've got a bit of a shaky hand thing going on!
So here it is - my yummy mish mash of veg! Oh.... and I forgot to include the Spoon in this one! Whoopsies!
(serves 2 adults)
500g New Potatoes
1 tsp Coconut Oil for frying in
A bag of Spinach - mine was 160g
1 Medium Courgette
1 Medium White Onion
1 Garlic Clove
2.5 tsp Garam Masala
3 tsp Fresh Ginger
3 tbsp Coconut Cream
1 tbsp Agave Nectar
Half your potatoes and put them in a pot of (salted? I didn't) water and bring to the boil. Cook until slightly over-done.
Throw the spinach in a deep pan with a little water at the bottom and a lid on top. Steam until it wilts, then drain an pour onto some kitchen towel.
Meanwhile, bring out your inner chef and slice like a mad one! Slice your onion, fine dice the garlic and ginger and quarter the courgette before speedily veg peeling it to create strips.... like this:
Melt your coconut oil in the pan. For those of you who have never used it before, this is what it looks like solid & melting into a liquid:
Then, add your courgette and stir-fry for another 5.
Add the courgette mix and the spinach to the potatoes and then finish off with the coconut cream and agave nectar.
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