Sunday, March 17, 2013

Potato, Spinach, Courgette & Garam Curry

Well.... that's a rubbish title isn't it?!

I didn't really know what to call this dish! It's not really a Saag Aloo, nor is it really a curry... like a lot of my Vegan meals, it's just a mish mash of stuff that turns out tasting... quite nice! haha!

I love Garam Masala and Coconut - I've always got them in my cupboard. I haven't had potato for a while (I'm not the biggest fan really - there are so many better carbs (apart from sweet potato - that's lush)) and it's Paddy's day apparently, so why not go with a green theme (and I had courgette's that needed using!)

Excuse the quality of the photo's, I've got a bit of a shaky hand thing going on!

So here it is - my yummy mish mash of veg! Oh.... and I forgot to include the Spoon in this one! Whoopsies!

(serves 2 adults)

500g New Potatoes
1 tsp Coconut Oil for frying in
A bag of Spinach - mine was 160g
1 Medium Courgette
1 Medium White Onion
1 Garlic Clove
2.5 tsp Garam Masala
3 tsp Fresh Ginger
3 tbsp Coconut Cream
1 tbsp Agave Nectar


Half your potatoes and put them in a pot of (salted? I didn't) water and bring to the boil. Cook until slightly over-done.

Throw the spinach in a deep pan with a little water at the bottom and a lid on top. Steam until it wilts, then drain an pour onto some kitchen towel.

Meanwhile, bring out your inner chef and slice like a mad one! Slice your onion, fine dice the garlic and ginger and quarter the courgette before speedily veg peeling it to create strips.... like this:

Now, by this time, the potatoes are probably nearly done. If they're done, take them off the heat, drain them and then leave them aside with the lid off to dry out a little.


Melt your coconut oil in the pan. For those of you who have never used it before, this is what it looks like solid & melting into a liquid:

Once that's melted and the pan is fairly hot, throw in the onions and sweat them. Add a little water to aid wit the sweating if you find that the pan dries out a bit - don't keep adding more fat.

Now the onion has wilted and turned translucent, add the garlic, Garam Masala & ginger & cool for another 5 mins - again, add a bit of water if you find it sticking.

Then, add your courgette and stir-fry for another 5.

Once that's all blended nicely, I then swapped the veg mix with the potatoes (veg in the potato pot, potatoes in the veg pan) and then fried the potatoes in the deep frying pan to brown and warm up a bit. If they're a bit over done (mine weren't but I'll do so next time), bash them up a bit and they'll crumble and go fluffy, which adds a different texture.

Add the courgette mix and the spinach to the potatoes and then finish off with the coconut cream and agave nectar.

And there you have it, a tasty, filling, vegan meal!

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