Picture heavy post today! These were immense!
It always pleases me when I make something genuinely tasty, especially if it is the first meal of the day!Last night I had a craving for something other than porridge for my breakfast, but I still wanted something to keep me toasty warm when it's snowing outside. So the decision was made to make pancakes. I'm on my own, so I wasn't too sure about such an indulgence, however, the thought process - all in all - took me about 3 seconds. It was done! Pancakes for breakfast - whoopee!
Makes Enough Pancakes for 2 people, 3 if you have a banana with them!
100g Self Raising, Organic, Unbleached FlourPinch of salt
250ml Almond Milk (You can use soya, oat...)
1.5- 2 tbsp (Groundnut as flavourless) oil
1 banana
1.5 - 2 tbsp Unbleached sugar.
Put the Flour into a bowl, sift if you like (Pffff, that just means more washing up and a sieve to clean - no thanks!)
In a separate bowl, mash the banana and then blend in the milk, oil & sugar until combined.
Add the wet to the dry mix.
Heat some coconut oil or other cooking medium into a shallow pan and when almost smoking, pour in the pancake mix, tilting the pan so that you create something not far off a circle.
Wait until it's bubbling and brown on the pan-touching side, then turn*.
* Note - These pancakes are less elastic than egg-containing ones & therefore more fragile. Take care when turning.
Also - I don't think you'll ever get these like a French Crepe, but no bother, they are amazing anyway!
Serve with whatever you like. I did A bit of Agave Nectar, cinnamon and some soya vanilla yoghurt. Immense!
Here is a little Gallery of how things went:
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